OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard | 100G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard contains 8 different types of heterotrophic microbes, an organic compound in dry form to start nitrification, and an easily dissolving base compound. These microbes work together to biologically degrade the unconsumed food, fish waste, and other nitrogenous compounds such as ammonia, nitrite & nitrate. Also effective in a tough habitat like those of turtles. Reduces nitrogenous waste supports extended gaps between water changes.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard also has a non-microbial organic compound that helps in the earliest control of ammonia in a new tank, thus helps in accelerating the establishment of the nitrogen cycle in a newly setup aquarium. For better results, mix it (5mg every 3’*1’*1′ bottom) with bed substrate (gravel, sand, or soil in planted/ non-planted tanks) while setting up a new tank. Be aware that the biological method of cleaning water is slower than that of chemical methods.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard helps in keeping the aquarium water clean, healthy, and eliminating the bad odour. Results after a month of regular weekly treatments. When the colony of these good microbes is established they give tough competition to other nasty pathogens, thus also controlling the cause and spread of diseases among underwater lives. Microbial contents are non-pathogenic, and using it along with any other (Non-OZPOLISH) chemical input or medicine may kill the beneficial micro-flora.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard *Expires in 2 years from the manufactured month. *For use in freshwater aquariums and artificial ponds containing live plants & animals. *OVERDOSE CLOUD THE WATER. *Package has one unit of 100g OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard and a dosing spoon. *Replace if seal is broken. *Follow instructions carefully. *Not for consumption orally by humans. *Keep away from children.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard | 100G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard contains 8 different types of heterotrophic microbes, an organic compound in dry form to start nitrification, and an easily dissolving base compound. These microbes work together to biologically degrade the unconsumed food, fish waste, and other nitrogenous compounds such as ammonia, nitrite & nitrate. Also effective in a tough habitat like those of turtles. Reduces nitrogenous waste supports extended gaps between water changes.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard also has a non-microbial organic compound that helps in the earliest control of ammonia in a new tank, thus helps in accelerating the establishment of the nitrogen cycle in a newly setup aquarium. For better results, mix it (5mg every 3’*1’*1′ bottom) with bed substrate (gravel, sand, or soil in planted/ non-planted tanks) while setting up a new tank. Be aware that the biological method of cleaning water is slower than that of chemical methods.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard helps in keeping the aquarium water clean, healthy, and eliminating the bad odour. Results after a month of regular weekly treatments. When the colony of these good microbes is established they give tough competition to other nasty pathogens, thus also controlling the cause and spread of diseases among underwater lives. Microbial contents are non-pathogenic, and using it along with any other (Non-OZPOLISH) chemical input or medicine may kill the beneficial micro-flora.
  • OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard *Expires in 2 years from the manufactured month. *For use in freshwater aquariums and artificial ponds containing live plants & animals. *OVERDOSE CLOUD THE WATER. *Package has one unit of 100g OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard and a dosing spoon. *Replace if seal is broken. *Follow instructions carefully. *Not for consumption orally by humans. *Keep away from children.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard | 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard is a product that contains 8 different types of heterotrophic microbes and an organic compound that helps control ammonia in a new tank. It biologically degrades unconsumed food, fish waste, and other nitrogenous compounds. It helps keep aquarium water clean, healthy and eliminates bad odour. Results can be seen after a month of regular weekly treatments. The package includes one unit of 100g OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard and a dosing spoon.
For further information, please refer to: OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard | 100G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance | 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance is a product designed to keep captive tanks for plants and animals clean, hygienic, and safe. It reduces nitrogenous wastes and can cure water for various environments such as household aquariums, garden ponds, and aquaponics systems. It works best at a temperature of 25° to 28° Celsius and a pH between 6.7 – 7.2. Weekly dosing with a small amount is recommended. The package includes one unit of 500g OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance.
For further information, please refer to: OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance 100g.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro | 50g


• OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro is a blend of beneficial bacteria, nutrients, and micro & macro minerals that facilitate the growth of natural bloom of beneficial bacteria in an outdoor fishpond.
• By regulating the water parameters, OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro helps maintain optimal water quality for the healthy growth of aquatic animals in the outdoor fishpond. It also functions at the bottom of the pond.
• In addition to oxidizing ammonia to nitrates, when used in combination with ‘OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard’ or ‘OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance’ twice a month OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro boosts the complete natural nitrification cycle in outdoor ponds by converting nitrates into Nitric oxide, Nitrous oxide, and harmless nitrogen in the outdoor fishpond.
• By transforming complex organic waste and sludge into a simpler form for easy bio-degradation, OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro utilizes Nitrogenous Wastes and Organic Sludge to produce Bio-available-Protein in any Biofloc System in the outdoor fishpond.
• OZPOLISH Bio-Pro can potentially reduce the Total Vibrio Count and any opportunistic Pathogenic Bacteria in the outdoor fishpond.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard | 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard 500G

Maintaining a healthy and thriving aquarium or fishpond requires more than just water and fish. It demands a delicate balance of various factors, including the presence of beneficial bacteria. These microscopic powerhouses play a vital role in promoting water quality, fish health, and overall aquarium and fishpond ecosystem stability. This is where the OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard, plays an important role as an exceptional fishpond & aquarium bacteria booster and culture.

Pond or aquarium beneficial bacteria growth is crucial for establishing a stable and healthy environment. OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard provides a specialized blend of bacteria strains that efficiently break down organic waste, such as excess food and fish waste, preventing the accumulation of harmful toxins. This promotes cleaner water and reduces the risk of ammonia and nitrite spikes, which can be detrimental to aquarium fish.

One of the primary challenges faced by pond or aquarium hobbyists is the process of tank cycling. This is where the colony aquarium bacteria play a significant role. OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard contains carefully selected bacteria cultures that accelerate the cycling process by establishing a robust and thriving biological filtration system. This ensures the efficient conversion of toxic ammonia into less harmful compounds, like nitrate, resulting in a more stable and balanced aquarium.

Maintaining optimal bacteria levels is essential for the well-being of an aquarium or a fishpond. OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard simplifies this task by promoting a healthy bacteria population. However, if monitoring the bacterial balance in tank is required, one can perform periodic tests using water testing kits specifically designed to measure ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. In most of the cases, it would answer the query on how to test bacteria in fish tank. A zero level of ammonia and nitrite and less than 40 ppm of nitrate provide insights into the overall good health of aquarium ecosystem.

When setting up a new aquarium, it is common to experience a bacteria bloom. This is a natural process where bacterial populations rapidly multiply, often resulting in cloudy water. OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard aids in controlling and managing this bloom by providing a stable and diverse bacterial culture. Its unique formula promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria while reducing the intensity and duration of the bloom, ensuring a smoother transition for any new aquatic setup. Just do not overdose it, else the beneficial bacteria in it could grow exponentially causing bacterial bloom.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard offers a powerful solution for promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in any aquarium. By using this innovative bacteria booster and culture, tank or pond owners can enjoy numerous advantages such as cleaner water, improved fish health, and a more stable and balanced aquarium environment. Embrace the wonders of OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard and witness the transformative impact it can have on your aquatic paradise. Experience the beauty of a thriving aquarium ecosystem like never before.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance | 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance 500G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance is a product designed to keep captive tanks for plants and animals clean, hygienic, and safe. It reduces nitrogenous wastes and can cure water for various environments such as household aquariums, garden ponds, and aquaponics systems. It works best at a temperature of 25° to 28° Celsius and a pH between 6.7 – 7.2. Weekly dosing with a small amount is recommended. The package includes one unit of 500g OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance.
For further information, please refer to: OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance 100g.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro | 50G


• OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro is a blend of beneficial bacteria, nutrients, and micro & macro minerals that facilitate the growth of natural bloom of beneficial bacteria in an outdoor fishpond.
• By regulating the water parameters, OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro helps maintain optimal water quality for the healthy growth of aquatic animals in the outdoor fishpond. It also functions at the bottom of the pond.
• In addition to oxidizing ammonia to nitrates, when used in combination with ‘OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard’ or ‘OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance’ twice a month OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro boosts the complete natural nitrification cycle in outdoor ponds by converting nitrates into Nitric oxide, Nitrous oxide, and harmless nitrogen in the outdoor fishpond.
• By transforming complex organic waste and sludge into a simpler form for easy bio-degradation, OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Pro utilizes Nitrogenous Wastes and Organic Sludge to produce Bio-available-Protein in any Biofloc System in the outdoor fishpond.
• OZPOLISH Bio-Pro can potentially reduce the Total Vibrio Count and any opportunistic Pathogenic Bacteria in the outdoor fishpond.

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Basic | 50G

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Basic 50g

OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Basic contains both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in high CFU. It also has an organic compound that works for the immediate reduction of excess ammonia in a fish tank. The product is the same as described in its 130 gm packaging – Here.

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