WHY algae are still present in the tank, despite using OZPOLISH De Algae in the tank

WHY algae are still present in the tank, despite using OZPOLISH De Algae in the tank:


Algae in aquariums can be a persistent problem for fish and shrimp owners. Despite using algaecides like OZPOLISH De Algae, controlling the growth of new algae can be challenging.

OZPOLISH De Algae: Its Use and Limitations

OZPOLISH De Algae is a concentrated algaecide that can effectively kill most types of algae. However, it cannot prevent the growth of new algae. For this reason, additional strategies need to be implemented to control the growth of new algae.

Strategies to Control the Growth of New Algae

To control the growth of new algae, reducing the photoperiod or light duration is recommended. For planted tanks, increasing the CO2 input can also be helpful. Long-duration lighting or direct sunlight can promote the growth of algae. Therefore, controlling the light and CO2 supply is crucial.

Importance of Nutrient Control

To prevent the growth of new algae, it is essential to control the nutrient supply. Fish or shrimp food leftovers can be a nutrient source for algae. Ensuring that there are no food leftovers in the tank can help control the growth of algae.

Deep Cleaning and OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Products for Established Tanks

For established tanks, a deep clean followed by the weekly application of OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Standard or OZPOLISH Bio-Cure Advance can be an effective way to control the growth of new algae. These products can help maintain a balanced ecosystem in the tank.


In conclusion, controlling the growth of algae in aquariums requires a multifaceted approach. While algaecides like OZPOLISH De Algae can kill algae, it is not enough to prevent the growth of new algae. To effectively control algae growth, controlling the light and CO2 supply, nutrient control, and the use of OZPOLISH Bio-Cure products are recommended.


WHY algae is still present in the tank



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