COULD OZPOLISH Products be used with any non-OZPOLISH Products:
OZPOLISH Products haven’t been officially tested with any non-OZPOLISH products. Should it be absolutely necessary to use the latter while any of the OZPOLISH Products is still in use, it is recommended to stop using the OZPOLISH product till any non-OZPOLISH product is used. For e.g., if a general aid medication for treating a bacterial infection in fish is in use, it is not advised to use any of the OZPOLISH Bio-Cure variants or OZPOLISH Bio-Scape to be used along. The reason for this is that the external medication could potentially kill the beneficial bacteria in the OZPOLISH Bio-Cure or OZ-POLISH Bio-Scape. If this happens, it will nullify or reduce the efficacy of these OZPOLISH Products. If the user wants, OZPOLISH Bio-Cure or OZPOLISH Bio-Scape could be used again after 2 days of last use of external medication. The external medication could be but is not limited to, methylene blue, malachite green, antibiotics, etc. Suppliers of external medication should be checked on the impact of that medication on the fish tank’s biological filter. This is true for both OZPOLISH Aquariums and OZPOLISH Aquaculture products. Even in extreme cases like ich irk white spot on fish, do not use OZPOLISH inputs unless fish medicines are supplied to the hospital tank.